Saturday, March 06, 2021


At all times, I think about life, in moderate amounts :-). Topic on my mind today is Karma.

There are so many people in this world who are supremely talented and hardworking but never really see the fruits of their efforts. And on the other hand there are some who are not talented nor hardworking but are successful and rich and are celebrated by everyone.

There are supremely amazing, nice-at-heart people who meet with tragedies and there are toxic people whose only job is to add stress to others' lives - they live happily ever after.
There are evil, bad people around the world who are roaming free.

I wouldn't say life is unfair, but it is quite random. There is often no logical explanation for how things turn out. I often look for logic and ponder over the concept of karma to explain life. But every time I reach the same conclusion - Karma is a flop concept.

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