Monday, November 24, 2014

Book Reviews - November 2014

Persepolis is a humorous and haunting memoir written by Marjane Satrapi. It is the first time ever that I read a graphic novel and realized that plain text books do not take advantage of the massive processing power of our minds. The pictures in Persepolis are absolutely stunning and tell so much more than words do. I have also seen the movie based on this book but I must say that this book is hundred times better than the movie based on it. It is a must read book!

I read 2 books from George R.R.Martin's book series 'A song of Ice and Fire'. The books are way too lengthy and there is lot of information about characters in it than I cared to know or even equipped to remember! HBO TV show 'Game of Thrones' has done more than justice to this book series. 

Other two award winning books that I absolutely didn't like - A wrinkle in time - Madeleine L'Engle (may be it’s a children's book and I happened to read it at a wrong phase in life) and Old Man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway. 


Priyaranjan Anand Marathe said...

I read that Kavita Mahajan wrote a graphic novel sometime back. Did you read it?

Also looks like you are on a reading spree. Keep doing it.

Happy Holidays...

Priyaranjan Anand Marathe said...

Thanks for sharing this one. I read Persepolis. Liked it.