Friday, October 05, 2007

Ophidiophobia to Odontophobia

I was born in a very small village with a population of approximately 300 people. As a child I knew only one animal, I thought it was the king of all animals or it could be a national animal as it was the only dominant creature in the village. Its number was probably more than number of people in the village!

That animal is called ‘Pig’.

I was totally acquainted with its everyday life till I was 3 and then my father got transferred to another small town before my PhD in Pig’s ‘lifestyle’.

In the new town’s new house my father was doing something on his face with a razor, I was standing on a chair looking at him wondering what exactly is he doing to his face and I heard my mother screaming ‘SNAKEEEEE’, she came running to my father and there was this black sticky ugly animal came crawling after her.

The person I was most scared of - my mother - was scared of this ugly sticky thing so I assumed that it had to be something deadly. I saw it and it was extreme amounts of fear at first sight! 

But it seems the snake species was in love with me. It followed me wherever I lived after that. I was carrying a can one day and later realized that there was a snake tightly coiled around it.  I have seen many many snakes up close after that. 

Our relationship lasted for several years - until we moved to a city.

In this modern age having a relationship with anyone for years without any personal benefits is remarkable… isn’t it? Yes that way it was very loyal.

On the occasion of ‘Nagpanchami’ I had gone to my friend’s house where a snake charmer was performing his tricks such as snake dancing on the beats of whatever instrument he was playing. 

This snake somehow escaped from the small basket, everybody got scared and started running including me. I ran straight to my house without my shoes on, stopped, looked behind and I saw the snake charmer putting Cobra in his basket (which was strolling on the road by the way).
I was suddenly enlightened with the fact that snakes don’t run as fast as we do. Thank goodness it was not one of the group members trained for the movie ‘Nagina’!

Now I am in the US, staying in one of the tallest building in downtown.
Sometimes I feel what if in the process of evolution snakes learn to crawl and climb on buildings…

Aah, but at least today it scares me only in my dreams – there is some other person who has taken snake’s place in my heart...

My first encounter with my ‘new fear’ was when I was in second year of graduation.
In our first meeting he was carrying a drilling machine. Nah, he was not a construction worker, he is called a ‘Dentist’.
This person scared me more than ALL the snakes in my life did.
First meeting (compared to all other meetings) was still ok.

When I went to this dentist second time some dentistry students were sitting there waiting for their prey. As soon as I opened my mouth to show the doctor my decayed molar, 4/5 other ‘hunters’ poked their heads forward.
Arjuna saw the entire universe when ‘Krishna’ opened his mouth but showing someone horribly decayed teeth was tooooo embarrassing. Specially so because I was 18-19 and the students were 22-23 (that’s my guess).

Some of them were smart but after seeing my teeth they must have been petrified and I had lost all my prospects of going on a date! I mean I am assuming that I had not lost my prospects before opening my mouth. 

I had to change my doctor and started going to my dentist cousin so that my teeth matter will not be disclosed to anyone outside my family!

Even a thought of a dentist or snake brings shivers to my spine.
I prey to the universe everyday to give me a peaceful life with no encounter with these 2 species. The prayers haven't been successful so far.

Are you guys afraid of something? Do let me know in the comments section!