Monday, September 30, 2024


 Loved Margaret Atwood's poetry collection and

 sharing one of my favorite poem from the book. 

When you stumble upon your lover 

and your friend

naked in or on your bed

there are things that might be said

goodbye is not one of them.

You will never close that 

clumsily opened door

they'll be stuck in that room forever.

but did they have to be so naked?

so minus grace

floundering around as if in a spring puddle?

the legs too spindly

the waist too thick 

the flubbers here and there

the tufts of hair...

yes, it was a betrayal but not of you

only of some idea you'd had of them

soft-lit and mystic with

snowfall sifting down and a mauve December sunset

not this gauche flash this flesh akimbo

caught in the glare of your stare.

check out the book and enjoy all the poems!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Desired or cherished?

There once lived a man who loved to travel. 

One day he visited a forest and saw a group of peacocks dancing.

He fell in love with the dance of one particular peacock.

The man kept visiting the forest regularly just to get a glimpse of that peacock. 

One day the peacock noticed the man and the curiosity and the awe in his eyes. The peacock got a new excitement and he danced with even more zest and energy. 

The man kept visiting the forest and the peacock kept dancing more and more beautifully when the man visited.

One day the man thought enough is enough, I need to own this peacock and look at its dance everyday. So he grabbed the peacock, took him home and put him in his backyard.

The peacock stopped dancing, his group of friends in the forest stopped dancing and the man became depressed.

There is a difference between being desired and being cherished….

Monday, May 20, 2024


Cadbury or pringles? 

Get married or stay single?

Have kids or walk alone on shingles? 

Give all at this job or pine over the one that wasn’t taken?

Focus on this career or regret over the one that wasn’t chosen?

Do best at Stanford or crib over not going to Princeton?

Regrets are a waste of time, they are mindless.

The choice we didn’t take

We are presuming it would have been better. 

Maybe it would have been worse. 

Rather than stressing over making the right decision, make the decision right.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Life’s purpose

The purpose of life 

is not to be happy 

but to have 

a purpose, 

to make a difference 

to add value, 

to be useful,

 to be productive, 

to matter

and all of those 

things might not 

give us 

happiness per se 

but definitely the 


to have lived at all.

And that satisfaction I am seeking.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Best books I read in 2023


Monday, August 21, 2023

Depp V Heard

The show is on Netflix - based on real events- It made me think about what is a violent relationship. 

someone who shows anger in an aggressive manner - throwing things around - banging doors , angry loud words - these are all intimidation tactics- by saying this is how I show anger doesn’t make it non-intimidating- 

would a woman feel scared with this person ? Yes! 

For the world there was no violence involved- because hand wasn’t raised or so he claimed - but then it is worse as one is living with fear, and suppressed around the person, 

there are some women who do not keep quiet and they oppose/ react and they use angry words too - 

They become amber heard.

She was brutally abused on social media and no one talked about depp’s behavior- probably because the society accepts it saying men will be men.

So then what is a violent relationship? And how do you define being violent? 

I feel all women should watch it. Because many must be living like that.

Of course depp heard is an extreme case as there were drugs and alcohol involved.

Just finished watching it and the verdict is just boiling my blood.